Back Pain

Back Pain

Low-level laser therapy is one of the newer treatments available for lower back pain. Low-level lasers are different from traditional laser treatments that use “hot lasers,” which tend to be more expensive.

The FX 635 Laser from Erchonia is the only FDA-approved low-level laser for treating lower back pain. During clinical trials, the laser had a 72 percent success rate. Patients included in the trial exhibited a 58 percent reduction in pain after two months.

The low-level laser is a painless, non-invasive treatment that addresses pain through bio-stimulation. When undergoing this treatment, you lay flat on your stomach while the laser does its work.

Many people want to avoid surgery because it’s one of the more invasive and expensive treatment options, and it also requires a recovery period. Medication can have side effects, and some medications, like opioids, can be addictive. Low-level laser therapy with the FX 635 can be an alternative to other treatment options like surgery and medication because it does not have serious side effects.

In 2017, 49 percent of adults experienced back pain. Low back pain can be related to a variety of issues, such as muscle strain, age and occupation. No matter the cause, people want to know how to relieve lower back pain. Chronic pain is any pain that lasts for more than three months and affects your quality of life.

The first step to relief for lower back pain is determining the source of your pain. Next, you and your physician will talk about treatment options for lower back pain and how to prevent a recurrence of the same issue.

The Anatomy of the Lower Back
In order to understand your lower back pain, you need to understand the anatomy of your back and what could be causing your pain. Armed with this knowledge, you can work with your doctor to reach an accurate diagnosis.

The spine, made up of different bony sections called vertebra, is divided into four different sections:
  • Cervical Spine: Refers to your neck
  • Thoracic Spine: Refers to your upper and middle back
  • Lumbar Spine: Refers to your lower back
  • Sacrum: Refers to your tailbone
The vertebrae in your spine are lettered and numbered based on their location — L1 through L5 are the vertebra in your lumbar spine or lower back. Each vertebra is separated by a disc, which provides cushioning for your spine, and each disc has an outer and inner layer. The spine also has 31 pairs of spinal nerves, five of which are located in the lumbar spine.

In addition to your vertebrae, vertebral discs and spinal nerves, your lower back also contains muscles and tendons, which attach muscle to bone. Some of the major muscles in your back include:
  • Extensor Muscles: Muscles that help you lift
  • Iliocostalis: A muscle important to posture
  • Longissimus: A muscle that begins in the lumbar area and extends upward
Any part of your lower back’s anatomy — vertebra, disc, nerve, muscle or tendon — is a possible source of your lower back pain.

Causes of Lower Back Pain
Trauma, overuse and strain are all potential causes of lower back pain. If your vertebrae are the source of your pain, it is possible you have a spinal fracture. People with osteoporosis, a condition that weakens the body’s bones, are at higher risk for spinal fractures.

If a vertebral disc is the source of pain, you may have a herniated disc. This typically happens as a result of age-related degeneration. A herniated disc can cause pain in nearby spinal nerves. This type of pain can be referred to as a “pinched” or compressed nerve.

Muscle and tendon strains can also cause pain in your lower back. This occurs when muscles or tendons in the lower back are stretched or even torn. Lifting heavy objects or general overuse can result in this type of lower back pain.

Other potential causes of lower back pain include scoliosis — a condition that causes the spine to curve sideways — and spinal stenosis, a condition that causes the space around the lumbar spine to narrow and put pressure on spinal nerves.

Diagnosing Lower Back Pain
Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is vital to choosing the best option from the available chronic low back pain treatments. Asking you about your medical history will be the first step your doctor takes when trying to make a diagnosis. Come to your appointment prepared to talk about your symptoms, any injuries you have experienced and your daily activities.

Next, your doctor will likely carry out a physical exam, which involves palpating your lower back to search for any abnormalities. Your doctor will also test your reflexes and range of motion.

If you have a muscle or tendon strain, the physical exam may be enough to reach a diagnosis. Other causes of lower back pain will likely require imaging tests, such as:
  • X-Ray: An x-ray will allow your doctor to view the bones of your spine
  • CT Scan: A CT scan will provide a more detailed, three-dimensional view of the bones of your spine
  • MRI: An MRI can offer insight into soft tissue, like muscles and ligaments
Popular Treatment Combinations for Lower Back Pain
There are many different ways to relieve lower back pain, and sometimes, a single approach is not enough. Do not be afraid to take a versatile approach to treat your back pain.

Here are a few treatment options for chronic back pain that combine different methods:
  • Rest, Heat and Ice: This simple combination of treatments is a tried-and-true approach for at-home treatment. Rest allows the muscles in your lower back time to heal if you have experienced a strain. Listen to your body instead of pushing yourself to keep moving when you’re in pain. Allow yourself the time to slow down. However, you do not want to rest for too long. Try lying down for a few hours at a time. While you relax, you can alternately apply heat and ice to the affected area in your lower back. Ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling, while heat can also ease inflammation and help strained muscles relax. Try swapping out heat and ice every 10 to 20 minutes. Apply cold to the affected area using an ice pack. When it comes time to apply heat, you can take a hot shower or bath or use a heating pad. These treatment options can be useful for minor low back pain issues, but if your pain persists, you will need to explore other low back pain treatment options.
  • Low-Level Laser Therapy and Chiropractic: If you are considering what to try for lower back pain, low-level laser therapy can be a great option. The clinical trial results show that the FX 635 Laser has significant potential to reduce your pain and help you return to an active lifestyle in a short period. While this can be a good option for some people, it may be beneficial to pair it with chiropractic. The low-level laser therapy can address your pain, while chiropractic can address the root cause of the pain. Together, low-level laser therapy and chiropracitc can help you reduce your pain and get back on the road to feeling good.
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